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#090: Revelation Ch. 17 The Whore of Babylon and Her Beast (Catholic Apocalypse Part 11)
This podcast is not for young children as it includes graphic material from the Old Testament regarding prophetic statements about infidelity, apostasy, sexual immorality, and adultery. In Revelation 17, Saint John “marvels” at the tragedy he beholds – Sacred Jerusalem has become a prostitute priestess drunk on the blood of the Saints. Dr. Marshall explores the symbolism in light of Israel’s apostasy in terms of prostitution and adultery as described previously by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Ezekiel regarding. This is part 11 of the Catholic Apocalypse series.
Click to Listen: #090: Revelation Chs. 17 The Whore of Babylon and Her Beast (Catholic Apocalypse Part 11)
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