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#032: 4 Sections of Hell [Podcast]
My goal this week is to introduce talk about the afterlife. We are in the middle of the octave of Holy Week. We are celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the dead. But it raises the question: what is meant by the dead? We also say that he “descended into Hell” and yet Christ told the good thief that he would be with Him in Paradise.
All of this confuses people. So today we are going to break it all down. By the time you finish this podcast you’ll understand limbo, Christ’s descent into Hell, the Harrowing of Hell, and how the thief could be in Hell and Paradise with Christ at the same time.
Are you ready?
- Weekly podcast joke: Four Clergyman went to the forest to evangelize a bear
- Tip of the week: Book 12 Week Year by Brian Moran (recommended by Josh Simmons of eCatholic)
- Proverb of the week: Proverbs 24:5
- Featured Segment: 4 Sections of Hell
- Saint of the Week: Saint John Paul II
- Latin word of the week: Apostolicam Actuositatem
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