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“Riveting. My highlighter ran dry after only half-way through.”
Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within
When Modernists and Marxists realized they could not attack the Church from the outside, they hatched a plan to subvert it from within. Their goal: to change Her doctrine, liturgy, and mission.
In this carefully documented book, you’ll see how the scandals plaguing the Church are not the result of cultural changes, or of Vatican II, but an orchestrated demonic plot.
Read and learn:
- How popes in the 1800s discovered a plot to infiltrate the Church.
- How modifications in canon law enabled predator priests like Theodore McCarrick to stay in power.
- How the chief architect of liturgical reforms was a Freemason.
- Fulton Sheen’s role in exposing Communist priests.
- What Marian apparitions like Fatima tried to warn us.
“Riveting. My highlighter ran dry after only half-way through.”

Antichrist and Apocalypse: The 21 Prophecies of Revelation Unveiled and Described
The earliest Christians following the Twelve Apostles often spoke and wrote about the arrival of the Antichrist before the return of Jesus Christ at the end of time.
You’ll discover what the Church Fathers, saints, and mystics teach about:
- What Apocalypse means and why Christ uses this term.
- How the number 666 relates to Old Testament prophecies.
- The true meaning of Armageddon.
- The explanation of the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven plagues.
- Ten prophecies about the future Antichrist.
“Like a scholarly lectio divina.”

“Like a scholarly lectio divina.”

“As I read the book I became more and more excited about what was being revealed to me.”
The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism and the Origins of Catholic Christianity
Discover how over 300 Old Testament prophecies prove that Christ and the Catholic Church perfectly fulfill the Old Testament Jewish expectations of a Messiah and His Kingdom, including how:
- Devotion to Mary grew out of Jewish tradition.
- The Catholic Church is a fulfillment of historic Israel.
- Jewish water rituals relate to Catholic baptism.
- The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a Passover meal.
- The Jewish Temple influenced traditional Christian architecture.
“As I read the book I became more and more excited about what was being revealed to me.”

The Catholic Perspective on Paul: Paul and the Origins of Catholic Christianity
Discover a theologian who is sacramental, a churchman who is hierarchical, a mystic who is orthodox: a Paul who is Catholic.
You’ll see St. Paul in a whole new light once you learn:
- Did he believe that the Church was one, holy, catholic, and apostolic?
- Did he hold that we are justified by faith alone?
- Did he teach baptismal regeneration?
- Did he hold that one might “fall from grace”?
- Did he consider himself to be a “priest”?
“I savored the book as if eating ice cream or even better, sipping single malt Scotch whiskey.”

“I savored the book as if eating ice cream or even better, sipping single malt Scotch whiskey.”

“Mind boggling. This really proves who is the mother church.”
The Eternal City: Rome & the Origins of Catholic Christianity
If Christ died and rose again in Jerusalem, then why are Catholics “Roman”? In this exciting look at early Church history, you’ll learn how Rome became “The Eternal City.”
- Why Christ chose Rome as an instrument of redemption.
- How Old Testament prophets foretold the Messiah would reign through the Roman Empire.
- How the Catholic papacy was established through St. Peter.
“Mind boggling. This really proves who is the mother church.”

Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages: A Layman’s Quick Guide to Thomism
Have you ever wanted to study the theology of Thomas Aquinas, but were intimidated?
Here’s your entry point into understanding this master saint. You’ll learn so much in just an hour or two!
“Exactly what the title promises… this is a great little intro.”

“Exactly what the title promises… this is a great little intro.”

“So rich in content! I take it with me wherever I go.”
Get Dr. Marshall’s best-selling book “The Rosary in 50 Pages” free.
Prepare to be thrilled and motivated to pray a daily Rosary. You’ll read how this powerful prayer converted sinners and literally altered the course of history. Plus, you’ll find valuable advice on how to pray your Rosary with focus and devotion.
Get compelling answers to questions like:
- Does devotion to Mary steal glory from Jesus?
- Did the early Christians honor Mary?
- Where did the Hail Mary come from in the Bible?
- Did Mary really give the Rosary to Saint Dominic in the 1200s?
- What are the 15 Promises of the Rosary?
I’m giving this book for free! Sign up to get your digital copy.

Saint Augustine in 50 Pages: The Layman’s Quick Guide to Augustinianism
A short, fun introduction to Saint Augustine of Hippo and his influence on the Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation, and Christian theology.
“So captivating that I am about to start reading translations of the original works.”

“So captivating that I am about to start reading translations of the original works.”

Sword and Serpent
The first novel in a historical fiction trilogy that weaves together the lives of Saint George, Saint Christopher, Saint Nicholas, and Saint Blaise.
When a ruthless enemy targets 17-year-old Jurian’s family, he’s forced to make a choice: Will he pursue the glory he’s always wanted, or sacrifice everything to protect his faith?
Pre-teens love the book, and so do parents!
“I received this as a Christmas gift from my mom. This book sucks you in from the beginning, and it has many amazing Catholic characters.”

The Tenth Region of the Night (Sword and Serpent Book II)
The saints come alive as this action-packed trilogy continues…
Jurian’s victory against the dark power in Cyrene has earned him renown throughout the Empire, but fame means nothing to him if he can’t save the friend he lost.
“My daughter had already read these and raved about them. I found myself reading and losing complete sense of time many nights while reading. I just couldn’t put the book down.”

Storm of Fire and Blood (Sword and Serpent Book III)
The thrilling (and moving) conclusion to the Sword and Serpent trilogy.
As the fourth century dawns over Rome, the Emperor decides that the only way to save the Empire is to solve the “Christian problem” once and for all. He needs only one spark to set the world ablaze…
“What a great inspirational story about courage and putting God above all.”

Nikolaos: A Retelling of the Saint Nicholas Story
In the heart of the Roman Empire, presbyter Nikolaos faces an otherworldly battle far beyond anything he has ever experienced.
Melitta, daughter of a fallen merchant, teeters on the precipice of slavery, her family’s fate entwined with a demonic force gripping her father’s soul. Nikolaos is tasked with the impossible: to free Melitta’s father from the demon’s malevolent clutches and save Melitta and her sisters from a life of shameful servitude.
“Exquisite… rarely do I read any book in one sitting.”