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I was embarrassed but now I’m grateful – Thoughts on Catholic Podcasting
Depression in 2006
In 2006 when I renounced the Episcopalian priesthood and became a Catholic, I became depressed and discouraged. My heart was still longing for the ministry and for the pulpit. I loved writing, preparing, and giving sermons. When I became a Catholic layman that part of my soul was vacant. I felt like my life was empty and meaningless. I had followed Christ, but the path guided me to a place that I did not understand or like.
But I knew that I had to follow my heart and my conscience into the Catholic Church.
TM Show Hits 500,000 Downloads
Now I look back and see God’s providential hand. He wasn’t taking something away. He was providing something bigger and better. As of a few days ago, the Taylor Marshall Catholic Show has been downloaded over 500,000 times (514,433 times)! By the way, it’s free. I don’t get paid for it.)
Christ took away the pulpit, but He prepared something else. I thank Him and I also thank you, because you are the one’s downloading and listening to the show and sharing the free files with your friends and family
Jesus has a better plan – always!
Jesus Christ always has a better plan for us – a plan that exceeds our imagination. I could never have imagined something like this happening back in 2006 when I hung up the clerical collar and put on a neck tie. If I had betrayed my conscience and remained as an Episcopalian priest, I would have never, never, never been allowed to experience this blessing.
I’m grateful to you…
I want to thank everyone who listened and supported the show and continues to support the show as we move forward. It lot has evolved over time. I’m grateful to you, because you so often write me and give me input and ideas for new topics and episodes.
If I could go back in time…
If I could go back in time and give myself advice I would have said to myself, “Take heart. Christ loves you. Right now you are not able to understand what God has planned for you. Keep you head up and just be patient. It’s going to be awesome. Be not afraid. Trust Him!”
Our Lord had a bigger pulpit waiting in the future. He is never outdone by generosity.
The Desires of Your Heart
I’ve learned that Christ will give you the desires of your heart if you keep your heart focused on His Sacred Heart.
I’m a little embarrassed by my first Catholic podcast. The sound quality is off and my voice is clearly uncomfortable. But people listened and I kept recording podcasts week after week (we are up to 83 Episodes). They got better over time. A few months back it started getting lots of attention on iTunes and then it starting growing exponentially.
So thank you for being part of that and please always trust Christ with your hopes, desires, and depression.
Whether you are losing heart on finding a spouse, job, vocation, child, personal fulfillment – never give up. He has a plan. I doesn’t look like it, but He has a plan for you.
Thanks for the downloads. Thanks for listening and following in the early days when I was trying to figure it out. Here’s to the next 500,000!
Taylor Marshall
Here are the:
Top 5 TM Show Episodes of All Time By Download Count:
If you are new to the podcast, here are the five post downloaded episodes. They are not my favorites but these are continue to be popular:
062 | Catholic View of the End Times and Tribulation |
009 | My Opinion of Martin Luther |
066 | What is 666 and the Mark of the Beast? |
018 | A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! |
007 | Your Guardian Angel (Don’t Name Him!) |
My personal favorite shows are these:
24 | The Seven Lies We Believe About Our Failures | |
23 | How to Restart Your Mental Computer | |
22 | Top Five Productivity Tips from Thomas Aquinas | |
21 | Did You Miss God’s Plan for Your Life? |
And don’t miss the new podcast series on the Book of Revelation!
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