Originally, cardinals were simply clergy “incardinated” within the Diocese of Rome. In the 6th century, the cardinals...
Did Mary give the Rosary to Saint Dominic? Is it a historical fact? Catholic tradition states the...
Last night’s election revealed to us that the majority of America is not with us. The polls...
Are unicorns in the Bible? Daniel from Houston writes: “I was wondering if you could write about...
Veterans Day is an annual United States holiday honoring military veterans. In other countries, the day is...
Some claim that the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are not historical or are later...
New Advent featured some great photos the other day from World War 2, one of which is...
Swiss Guards (inferior) first salute Cardinal O’Malley (superior) In common courtesy, it is the custom that the...
Pope St Sixtus I Reigned AD 117 to 126 Pope Xystus (Latinized as Sixtus) reigned over the Catholic Church...
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