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How to Make a Catholic Theology Resolution for 2015
- Did you know that 75% of people give up on their New Year’s Resolutions within the first 2 weeks!
- Even worse, 90% of people have given up by February!
Whether it’s losing weight or spending more time with your family, you need a detailed plan and some accountability! I want to challenge you this year, even before Christmas starts, to make 2015 the breakthrough year where you got really serious about your Catholic faith so that you could share it with friends, family, and co-workers with confidence!
At the New Saint Thomas Institute, we have a brand-spanking new online theology course for 2015 called the Certificate in Catholic Apologetics! It will allow you to discover the richness of Catholicism and keep you on track for the entire year!
Not only do we have amazing bonuses lined up for this 2015 Launch, we also have not one but two online Certificate Programs:
- Certificate in Catholic Theology
- Certificate in Catholic Apologetics
If you sign up now you’ll get both Certificate tracks at no extra cost.
Here’s what you get:
8 Benefits You’ll Receive with the New Saint Thomas Institute:
Benefit #1: A New Seven Module Series on Catholic Apologetics. The New Saint Thomas Institute is in its second year of providing theological education to Catholics, and we’ve decided to offer a months-long series on how to defend the faith against many of the most common scenarios Catholics find themselves in. It’s a response to the request to be more confident when challenged in our faith and to defend the hope that is inside us. The Modules will be:
- Introduction to Catholic Apologetics
- How to Answer Protestant Objections
- How do Defend the Moral Teachings of the Catholic Church with confidence
- How to Answer Objections against Christianity from Islam/Judaism
- How to Answer New Age, Wicca, and Cults
- How to Answer Dissenting Catholics
- How to Answer Atheism and Secularism
- You will also receive the previous year’s 50+ Catholic video lessons on Christology, Mariology, Sacramental Theology, Eucharistic Theology, Virtue, Catholic Salvation, etc.
That and we’re offering bonus content and free books throughout the year to enhance your education and budding apologists and theologians.
Benefit #2: Ridiculously Low Tuition. We have kept our tuition very low. In order to kick off the new Certificate in Catholic Apologetics for 2015, we will lower the Premium tuition rate to only 37/month. Tuition at conservative Catholic colleges is about $2,100 to take ONE theology course. Compare that to us. As a Premium Member, you’ll lock in your tuition rate at $37 per month for as long as you want! That’s less than six (6) Pumpkin Spice Lattes per month! Our general tuition will go back to $60 per month so please don’t miss this opportunity. And we have 100% money back guarantee!
Benefit #3: Earn a one-year Certificate of Mastery in Theology and/or Apologetics. The Institute will offer a continuing education program. Premium Members will be able to work toward a one-year Certificate of Mastery in either Theology or Apologetics, or for this special launch: both Certificates if you wish.
Benefit #4: More access. Thanks to you sharing blog posts on Facebook and with friends, this blog at has grown from a few hundred people to nearly 18,000 daily subscribers and 150,785 followers. One reason for the New Saint Thomas Institute is that I can now go deeper with people who are ready and willing to do so. I realize that not everyone reading the blog wants to dig down deep on St Paul or St Augustine or St Thomas Aquinas. The Charter Members of the New Saint Thomas Institute will become our inner community of people who passionately desire to do just that. I hope to share my upcoming book transcripts and other projects to the Members of the New Saint Thomas Institute. It’s more personal.
Benefit #5: Join our Theology Forum. This is where I hope to meet new up-and-comers in the New Evangelization. I desire to have a working relationship with believers who are writing books, creating apostolic projects, and pioneering the new technology for greater glory of God and His Church. This is a place of dreaming big and creative collaboration for Christ. Or you can just ask a lot of questions and get answers.
Benefit #6: Get a Full Refund. I am convinced that you’ll love it. You’ll get a full refund if you don’t absolutely LOVE it in your first 21 days. You have nothing to lose. Enroll as a Member. If you don’t like it, give up your spot in the Institute and you’ll get a full refund no questions asked.
Benefit #7: You’re Feeding the Poor and Caring for Orphans! The New Saint Thomas Institute is not just about “books smarts” and learning theology. True religion includes study and helping those that lack their daily needs. A portion of your tuition every month goes to feeding over 1,000 people per month, and helps support an orphanage in China for abandoned babies and children. It’s theology + almsgiving!
Benefit #8: AND DON’T FORGET: We are the Mighty Mighty Muskoxen! We love Christ, Our Lady, the Saints, the Church, and the Holy Father. We also have fun. The ancient Jews would place honey in the mouth of their children before they taught them God’s law. The lesson here was that God’s word is sweet. The New Saint Thomas Institute also thinks that learning should be sweet.
We have a goof-ball school mascot named Tommy the Muskox and many more fun things going on inside. It’s not just learning, it’s a vibrant community of faith and joy. To prove it, we have t-shirts and coffee mugs!
How to Register
We are opening registration of Premium Members to the first 700 people at Currently we have waiting list of 196 people waiting to join NSTI. So if you are interested in joining NSTI and getting both Certificates and the reduced tuition and the bonuses and free books, then please head over to and enroll.
Here is how registration will work. The Institute will make registration available to groups in this order ON DECEMBER 15 2014:
- 6AM CENTRAL TIME: Email subscribers who have joined our waiting list for NSTI Certificate program.
- 10AM CENTRAL TIME: The rest of the email subscribers (currently 17,674 people) and then the general public.
I really look forward to greeting you on the inside of the Institute! I’ll have a welcome video waiting for you and I’ll be hanging in the Member Forum in order to say hello as you come in. I want everyone to go to the Forum and share where they are from and why they joined the Institute so that we can all get to know each other. (We’ll do a NSTI t-shirt giveaway this week in order to celebrate the launch of the new Certificate!)
to Jesus through Mary,
Taylor Marshall
*All currently enrolled Charter and Premium Members of NSTI will receive the Certificate in Catholic Apologetics track at no extra cost. Thanks for being Members in 2014 yall!
PS: You can give NSTI membership as a gift to another person for Christmas!
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Explore the fascinating world of Catholic teachings with Dr. Marshall. Together you’ll unpack the brilliant answers the Church gives to tough questions about the Faith. The best part: you go at your own pace. Start this exciting journey today.