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Catholic Feast Day Food Ideas
Our family likes to incorporate (create?) new Catholic feast day food ideas. Here are a few feast day food ideas for the month of December:
Dec 6 Saint Nicholas Day
This is a fun day. The stockings go up beforehand and there is usually a candy or a little something in each stocking. We also set up our large icon of Saint Nicholas on this day over our family altar and it stays till after Christmas.
Don’t forget to read my article on Saint Nicholas punching the heretic!
Dec 8 Immaculate Conception
White food. Our Lady is without stain of sin. She is all pure. All white. Spaghetti with white sauce. Chicken. And don’t forget the white cake with white icing!
Dec 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mexican food! The Marshall’s are Texans and we love our Tex-Mex. We go all out with queso (don’t forget that can of Ro*Tel!), guacamole, enchiladas and/or brisket tacos. And of course, Coronas or Dos Equis with lime!
Dec 13 Saint Lucy
We’ve never done this one, but I saw it online as I was preparing to write this post. Saint Lucy is the patron of eyes and sight. Behold the eyeball cupcakes:

Kind of creepy. Kind of cool.
Dec 21 Saint Thomas the Apostle
(Extraordinary Form Calendar and Anglican Use Calendar)
Saint Thomas is the patron of India – so we eat Indian food on this night. We started this tradition way back when we were Episcopalian/Anglican. The EF (Latin Mass) calendar remembers Saint Thomas on this day as do the Anglican Use Catholics. So we still do it on Dec 21. (Saint Thomas’ feast was moved to July 3 on the Ordinary Novus Ordo calendar).
We used to get Indian take-in, but my wife has become pretty efficient at the mysterious skill set of creating Indian cuisine.
Dec 25 Christmas – Food Ideas
Prime Rib. That’s my wife’s family tradition. It’s awesome. For a few year’s Joy made the Beef Wellington wrapped in puff pastry complete with word Noel formed in the dough. It was almost too gorgeous to eat. It’s all about the beef.
Here’s the Marshall Family Christmas schedule:
- 4:00am (or some insanely early fuzzy time): 7 happy children wake us up and look at their big “Santa gift” beneath the tree.
- We first go and see if the Christ Child has arrived in the family Nativity scene (He always does!) and we sing O Come All Ye Faithful
- 7:00am Caffeine moves Joy and me to have a nice and simple breakfast with the children on our special Christmas plates
- 9:00am Attend Holy Mass in Extraordinary Form (ChristMass!)
- 12:00pm The house begins to fill with the smell of Prime Rib or Beef Wellington and then the extended family comes over for gifts.
- 3:00pm A feast happens with wine flowing, Christmas music, and lots of laughing.
- 9:00pm Everyone has gone home. All the children are passed out in their beds after the exciting day. Joy and I (exhausted) cuddle on the couch, drink a glass of wine, listen to soft Christmas music, and look at the lit Christmas tree. It’s my favorite part of Christmas. I’m even a little teary eyed writing about it just now.
Dec 31 New Year’s Eve
Champaign for us. Fizzy apple juice for the children. We don’t do much on New Year’s Eve. It’s Mass the next morning. January 1 is a Holy Day of Obligation.
[reminder]Please share your feast day traditions and ideas. I look forward to reading them![/reminder]
PS: If you use Pinterest, please share this post. I don’t know how to use Pinterest. (I’m male.)
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