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Why You Should Eat Indian Food Today – Saint Thomas’ Feastday
Every December 21 (traditional feast of St Thomas) I try to create enthusiasm for feasting on Indian food. As you know, St Thomas is the patron of India. Our family always enjoys this “Indian day” as a fun “pre-Christmas” tradition. (Similarly, December 12 (Our Lady of Guadalupe) is a Mexican food night!) Fortunately, December 21 is still the feast of Saint Thomas in Latin Mass parishes.*
Saint Thomas, one of the twelve apostles, traveled to India and evangelized that nation. To this day, Indian Christians claim Saint Thomas as their founder and patron.
So tonight we’re again eating Indian food for dinner: Tiki Masala, Vindaloo, Veggie Korma, Naan, Rice, etc. Since it’s Friday, we’re rolling Vegetarian – which works well with Indian. Don’t you just love being Catholic?!
Happy feast day of Saint Thomas the Apostle.
* December 21 is the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle in the pre-Vatican 2 calendar and in the calendar Episcopal Church (from my pre-Catholic days). It became somewhat complicated when we became Catholic, because in the current Catholic Novus Ordo calendar (post-V2) has Saint Thomas’ feast day on July 3. Our little “pre-Christmas” tradition didn’t quite work so well liturgically. Now that we’re at a Latin Mass parish, it was great to see the red vestments and hear a solid homily on Saint Thomas…and have some Indian food!
Saint Thomas, Apostle of India, pray for us!
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