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The Mass and Masculinity
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch this video:
Why should a deceased American soldier receive more attention and precision than the resurrected Godman who has redeemed us from every tribe, tongue, and nation? The Holy Mass depicted in the photos above inspires men to pull out chairs for women, marry good women, have children, be heroic fathers, throw themselves on grenades, attend Mass, and/or fight for what is good.
A Solemn High Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite was celebrated at Saint Benedict Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, on November 12 for all of our veterans on the occasion of Veterans’ Day.
The Reverend Kevin M. Cusick, LCDR, CHC, USN (R) served as celebrant, the Reverend Neal Nichols, FSSP, as deacon and seminarian Philip Gerard Johnson, LTJG, USN (Ret.) as subdeacon.
Uniformed military service members and families were in attendance. Cadets from Benedictine Military Preparatory Academy in Richmond provided the flag honor guard at the commencement of the Mass and a sword arch for entrance and recessional prcoessions as well as at the consecration of the Mass.
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