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Your Video Christmas Card from Dr Taylor Marshall
Dear Friends,
Christmas is almost here: December 24th. We are baking, cooking, working on puzzles, and watching Christmas classics. Our eight children are in a frenzy. St Nick comes tonight and in the morning we will gather around the creche and sing “O Come Let us Adore Him” to the Christ Child.
I am grateful every year for all the readers, listeners, subscribers, and students at the New Saint Thomas Institute. We asked our new New Saint Thomas videographer to create a Christmas Card. It’s not much, but it shows a snapshot of our family. We pray for you all every night at Rosary and will continue to do so into the New Year.
I hope you like the “Christmas Video Card”:
If you do not see the Video Christmas Card below, click here.
Merry Christ-Mass,
Taylor Marshall and Family
PS: In case you missed it, here is the “Video defending Jesus as TRULY born on December 25”
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