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What was St Nicholas like as a Young Priest: Sword and Serpent Book 3 released!
Happy feast day of Saint Nicholas!
What was Saint Nicholas like as a young priest? Could he bi-locate? Could he read souls?
These are topics that I explored in my bestselling historical novel Sword and Serpent, in which I imagined a young and clairvoyant Saint Nicholas meeting a traveling pair of young future saints: Saint George and the recently baptized Saint Christopher.
These novels explore the historical martyrdoms of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian from the point of view of St George, St Christopher, St Nicholas, St Catherine of Alexandria, St Helena, Constantine, and dozens of other men and women who will go on to be known as Catholic saints. The novels are “clean” but contain gruesome and detailed accounts of martyrdoms, Roman battles, and gladiatorial bouts. If you mixed together Catholic Saint stories, The Princess Bride, and Lord of the Rings – you’d get the Sword and Serpent Trilogy.
Sword and Serpent Book 3: released today!
The first 2 novels were Amazon best-sellers in their categories – and on the feast of Saint Nicholas, we are announcing the print version of the third and final novel in the Sword and Serpent Trilogy is released: Storm of Fire and Blood.
The consensus from the reader reviews from the ebook version is that this third novel is exhilarating, well-researched, and the best of the three in the trilogy. Some have said it is the best book that they’ve read all year:
Here are the three novels in the Sword and Serpent Trilogy:
Just like first two novels in the series: we are having a Launch Party to get the word out with prizes.
How To Join the Party and Get FREE Books (hashtag: #SwordAndSerpent #TenthRegion #StormofFireandBlood)
Here are 8 epic ways you can do epic things and win epic stuff:
1. Take an Epic #Selfie with the Book
(Prize: a Free signed copy of Storm of Fire and Blood)
HOW TO ENTER: Take a photo with the book Storm of Fire and Blood. Extra points will be awarded for costumes or exotic places. We once had one taken in front of the Colosseum in Rome! The more epic, the more likely you are to win. Take a photo, post it on Facebook and then send an email to [email protected] with a link to your picture.
- This is not a random drawing. This is a performance-based contest that will be judged. Be epic. Get the family to dress up as Jurian, Sabra, Aikaterina, Menas, Helena, et al. and snap a selfie with the book. Or maybe take a photo of yourself holding the book in someplace amazing. If you get a photo of yourself standing next to Pope Francis holding the book, you win hands down!
- Selfies with any version of the Storm of Fire and Blood count (printed, ebook).
2. Just Get the Book Contest (Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card)
HOW TO ENTER: Buy just one copy of Storm of Fire and Blood and then send an email to [email protected] simply stating “I bought a copy.” If you buy more than one copy, please send one email for each copy you bought. *If you already reviewed the novel before today and emailed me about it, you’re already entered into this contest.
You can get a copy of Storm of Fire and Blood by clicking here.
- You can enter for each copy purchased. (For example, if you buy four copies, send an email saying “I bought 4” in the subject line.)
- Winner will be drawn at random on December 24.
3. St Nicholas Gift Contest (Prize: an iPad Mini mailed to your house! AND a free signed copy of Storm of Fire and Blood)
HOW TO ENTER: Several reviewers on said that Sword and Serpent would be a perfect Christmas gift. This contest honors Saint Nicholas who is an important character in the book – it’s also his feast day this week. To win this prize, purchase at least 4 copies (1 for yourself and 3 as gifts to give away at Christmas) and send an email to [email protected]. You can order copies by clicking here.
- You must purchase at least 4 copies to enter.
- If you purchase multiples of 4, you can enter that many times (8 copies = 2 entries; 12 copies = 3 entries; 80 copies = 20 entries – enter how many copies you got in the subject line: “I got 8 copies as Christmas gifts” – that’s 2 entries in this prize)
- Winner will be drawn at random on December 24 and will receive an iPad for free.
4. Review the Novel at (Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card AND a free signed copy of Storm of Fire and Blood)
HOW TO ENTER: Read the book and leave a friendly review at Next, send an email to [email protected] with a link to your review.
- Please leave a review at before December 24.
- Even though GoodReads is not a retailer, we’ll count GoodReads reviews too. So if you review at Amazon and goodreads, that’s two entries. Way to go! Click here for GoodReeds reviews.
- Send an email to [email protected] with a link to your review.
- Winner will be drawn at random on December 24.
5. Write a Blog Post about Storm of Fire and Blood
(Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card + a promo link to your blog from my blog)
HOW TO ENTER: Write a blog post about Storm of Fire and Blood with the amazon link to the book in your review. Next, send an email to [email protected] with a link to your review.
- The post does not have to be a “book review.” It can be a theological reflection or an interview with me about the book.
- Please include this exact link:
- Winner will be drawn at random on December 24.
6. Facebook The Book (Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card)
HOW TO ENTER: Write an update on your Facebook wall about Sword and Serpent and include a link to the amazon link and the link to the book trailer. Next send an email to [email protected].
Please use this photo and this link to the book:
- Please feel free to use the book video trailer from Book I:
- Please include the link to the book:
- Winner will be drawn at random.
Okay, there are the contests. They all end on Dec 24 2016. Get busy taking epic selfies. By the way the easiest contest to win is #3 – Just Get the Book: Storm of Fire and Blood.
To everyone who already made Storm of Fire and Blood possible and helped it get to #1, THANK YOU!
Happy winnings and Happy Advent!
Saint George, pray for us!
Epic Book Trailer for Sword and Serpent, Book I:
Saint George pray for us,
Taylor Marshall
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