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Mental Experiment: How Would Demons Lead You to Hell?
C.S. Lewis wrote a popular book titled Screwtape Letters in which a senior demon writes to an apprentice demon on how to sinfully deceive humans into Hell.
During Lent, it may be helpful to imagine a draft “Screwtape letter” written by demon precisely about you.
Here’s a mental experiment for Lent discernment:
Knowing what I know about myself, my spiritual strengths and weaknesses, how would a demon go about deceiving me and bring me into Hell?
Which lies, insecurities, and ingrained vices would the demon use to deceive you into betraying Christ by apostasy or mortal sin. Think about that for a moment.
For review, here are the 7 deadly sins explained in this video on “How to Make a Catholic Confession.”
Every military general contemplates the weak areas of his armies and his strategy. That is where he places the most effort into improvement.
Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Use that wisdom during Lent to build up your spiritual defenses where you are weak.
And remember, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4). Stay near to Jesus and the evil ones will never triumph!
Have a Joyful Lent,
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