The Unholy Trinity of Evil in the Book of Revelation

Revelation 13 and 19 describe three preternatural demonic personages that attack Christ and His Church and are finally cast into the lake of fire:

  1. “the great dragon…that ancient serpent who is called the Devil and Satan” (Rev 12:9)
  2. the Beast of the Sea (Rev 19:20; who also appears in Daniel 7)
  3. the Beast of the Land who is called “the false prophet” (Rev 19:20)

Just as Christ has a mark (baptism) placed on His people. So also does the Antichrist or Beast have a mark that he places on his people.

If you’d like to better understand the image of the dragon and his two beasts as an unholy mockery of the Blessed Trinity, please explore these two free commentary lessons that I recorded on the topic:

Listen to: Revelation Podcast on Chapter 13 (Identity of the Beasts)

Listen to: Revelation Podcast on Chapter 19 (Eucharist as Apocalypse and the Destruction of the Beasts)

You can begin the entire Catholic Revelation audio series by clicking here.

Book Of Revelation

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