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Do you have fire in your soul?
Do you have fire in your soul? Are you “on fire”?
Fire transfers heat. Within the soul of Christ on the cross, He was full of fire. Fire of love. That divine fire burned in Him a million times hotter than a furnace or forest fire. Like the burning bush, He burned but never burned up for us, and He wanted to ignite that fire in our souls.
The fire was already burning furiously in the soul of Mary as she stood beneath the cross. Sparks and flickering flames were already in the souls of Saint John and the women with Mary.
That fire is personal. The fire is a Divine Person. The Holy Spirit.
Look into your chest and see if this Fire is burning with in you. Burning up sin and making your soul glow with warmth. Daily prayer is the oxygen that your soul needs. Stoke the fire with Scripture. Pour gasoline on it with the habitual grace of the sacraments.
This week, prayer every morning. Read Scripture every morning. Try to attend a daily Mass at least once.
Come Holy Spirit and kindle in us the Fire of Your Love.
A Blessed Pentecost to you and yours this coming Sunday,
Taylor Marshall
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