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Photos: Troops of Saint George Campout
How do you:
- Promote Catholic vocations to the priesthood?
- Cultivate virtuous, manly, financially successful husbands?
- Attract young men and grown men to study Catholic theology?
One way you can do this is start a Troop of Saint George in your community. The Troops of Saint George is an outdoor, bushcraft, adventure fraternity for Catholic priests, deacons, fathers, and sons. Here are some photos of what we do:
This is not a rubber chicken. The boys prepared their dinner from live chickens, to plucked, to quartered, to cooked on the campfire. These young men now know how to bring a bird from yard to table. #realfood
We have Junior Cadets (ages 6-11) and Senior Cadets (ages 12-18):
Our boys love the uniform. Our uniforms are durable and look sharp:
We found a Copperhead snake one night:
We honor our priests who come out and celebrate Mass. We build outdoor chapels and altars and pews and pulpits for them:
We chop our own firewood:
We love our sons and teach them to become men of valor and virtue. Strength and Honor!:
Here’s what else the Troops of Saint George do:
- build outdoor chapels in the woods
- help and support our priests
- cut firewood
- fish
- cook all meals over the fire
- have Mass in the woods
- promote Marian devotions
- provide theological catechesis
- sharpen knives
- promote devotion to Catholic saints
- learn bushcraft and survival skills
- tell a lot of jokes
- build things like catapults and bridges
- teach young men how to serve Mass
I founded the Troops of Saint George in May of 2013 and we’ve grown to Saint George Troops all of the United States (and the world). We are not an arts and crafts organization. We are not a boy scout organization. We are not knights or squires or militia. We are men living in the world. We are a outdoors fraternal organization for Catholic clergy, fathers, and sons.
Our goal is to promote virtue and excellence in young men so that they respond with fire in their hearts to the priestly, religious, and marriage vocations.
Please visit our site and get started!
If you’d like to start your own Troop of Saint George, we have a starter kit for you at
If you’d like to start your own Troop of Saint George, we have a starter kit for you at
Also, please like our Facebook page by clicking here:
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