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Joy and Taylor are having 8th Baby!!!
Speaking of Easter and New Life in Christ: Joy and I are having our eighth baby!!! Alleluia!
Jesus Christ has blessed us in so many ways. I truly feel like we are living an abundant life.
Still A Little Nervous…
This Easter was joyous and a little nerve-racking as we began to tell family about the new bundle of Joy, and as we let the reality sink in.
When we married, Joy was 22 and I was 23. Back then, we were not yet Catholic, but we still thought it would be great to have 8 children. It’s kind of hard to believe that we are there. We’re both a little nervous.
Having a new infant usually takes a deep divot out of sleep, diet, planning, calendar, health, and emotional stability. Joy especially will need some TLC and prayer as we move into the 2nd and 3rd trimester marathons while being mama to 7. Please pray for her and for us. A decade of the Rosary would be much appreciated by all of us if you have it in you. Thanks so much!!!
Joy is Amazing!
Joy is so amazing. We’ve been married 14 years. She works so hard and keep our house of 9 (now 10) people spinning toward excellence. When I was a naive 23 year old immature man-boy, I really did not appreciate how much God had blessed me with His choice for my wife. Joy, if you’re reading this, thank you for blessing my life and providing this beautiful family for us!
If I have written or taught anything that was helpful to anyone (books, blogs, audio, NSTI) it was because Joy inspired me to do it. She is the woman of Proverbs 31.
I’d Love Your Advice:
PS: I’d also LOVE some advice from fathers and mothers of large families. What’s the secret to making it all work?
PPS: When at the grocery store, people like to say: “Wow. Those are all your kids. Don’t you know how that happens?” What’s the best gracious comeback line? I’ve got a few, but I’d love to hear yours.
Baby Names?
[reminder]Also, what should we name this baby? Joy would kill me if I put up a poll. But I’d still love it if you left a comment with a name suggestion: [First] [Middle] Marshall. All of our kids have saints names and we will probably do the same for this new addition.[/reminder]
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