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You are Invited! Live Catholic Webinar with Taylor Marshall tonight
Tonight at 8pm Central I’m going to hop onto a LIVE webinar with over 400 registered participants.
It’s free and packed with information. I’m giving a LIVE personal presentation on how to share your Catholic faith with those who don’t agree and I’ll give you 7 reasons and tools to help you grow in Catholic theology. I’ll also be giving away free books to those that register. Every one who registers will also receive some downloadable resources.
In our last Catholic Webinar we had over 1,000 people. That’s once big Google Hangout webinar! Let’s make it 2,000 tonight.
Please join us. It’s super easy. All you have to do is click a link to join the live video chat room. You do have to register in order for it all to work. Here’s the link to register for tonight’s webinar:
Dive Deeper

Explore the fascinating world of Catholic teachings with Dr. Marshall. Together you’ll unpack the brilliant answers the Church gives to tough questions about the Faith. The best part: you go at your own pace. Start this exciting journey today.