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A New FREE Catholic Book (please respond to this email)
One year ago in 2013, my birthday (March 29) fell on Good Friday – no cake, no party. However, we made lemons into lemonade. Instead of getting gifts, I decided to give gifts: I offered to write a book of your choosing and give it away for free.
We set up a poll and took a vote. You the readers chose a potential book titled “Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages” and I set out to writing it, editing, and completing it.
Since then we’ve given away 17,400 FREE copies of that book! It’s been awesome.
Another New Free Book for You
It’s March 29. It is my birthday again, and I want to continue the tradition of writing a free book for my readers on my birthday.
Once again, you get to choose. We will take a vote. Whichever book wins, I’ll write that book and make it available for FREE on my blog at
Why I Want to Do This:
Joy and I were talking about how awesome all the readers are (and now podcast listeners and NSTI Members). I receive dozens of emails, tweets, and voicemails every day with encouraging messages from you. I’m the most blessed man in the world. It keeps me going. You are a huge encouragement to me. I hear from Catholics, but also Protestants, Jews, atheists, and Buddhists – over a million annual page views worldwide.
I want to thank you all. I’m blessed because of you. I’m grateful for you.
You have made the last year so awesome! Everything I produce is for you and I want to thank you by giving you more FREE resources that encourage you, build up your Faith, and equip you for leading everyone on planet earth to love Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
Here’s What You Need to Do:
Let me write a book for you. You choose and I’ll make it:
- Mary, Mother of Fair Love: A 30 Day Devotional with the Mother of Jesus
- You are Anointed: 7 Blessings God has Poured Over You
- The Liturgy of Your Life: A Practical Workbook for Making a Spiritual Life Plan
- Saint Augustine in 50 Pages: A Quick Layman’s Guide to Augustinianism
- Jesus, I Need You: How to Find Christ’s Peace during the Storms of Life
- Keep Your Faith in College: A Handbook for the Christian Freshman
>>Click here to vote on which book you want<<
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