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10 FREE Books: Catholic Perspective on Paul
I will be giving away FREE signed paperback copies of my book The Catholic Perspective on Paul to 10 winners on Facebook over the next week.
Why this Book about Saint Paul?
January 25th is the feast day of the Conversion of Saint Paul on the Road to Damascus. In my book The Catholic Perspective on Paul I demonstrate that the word’s of Christ to Paul on the road to Damascus “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute ME?” is the foundation of Saint Paul’s theology and the basis of every single Catholic doctrine on the books. When Paul persecuted members of the Church, he was persecuting Christ. This reveals that every single Christian participates in the Person of Christ.
I just finished your book The Catholic Perspective on Paul and I think that it’s brilliant! I really enjoyed chapters seven and eight on the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Priesthood, so poignant.”
– Father Stuart Priddy
In his books, Taylor uncovers a wealth of fascinating information about the early church and its links first in the Jewish religion and culture and then in ancient Rome. His books weave together a solid Biblical foundation and knowledge–showing how the Old Testament not only sheds light on the New Testament, but also on the foundation of the Catholic Church.”
– Father Dwight Longenecker of “Standing on My Head” blog
Catholic Doctrine of Participation
The reason Protestants (I used to be a Protestant) do not understand Catholic theology is that do not understand the Catholic doctrine of participation.
The seven sacraments, the priesthood, even the Blessed Virgin Mary participate in the work of Christ. It’s not either/or. It’s both/and. The sacraments, priesthood, the saints and Mary do not compete with the person and work of Christ, they fulfill His activity on planet earth.
This conception of Christian participation is the one key that unlocks ever word of Saint Paul’s epistles from a Catholic point of view.
Do You Want a FREE Signed Copy?
I’ll be giving away 10 signed paperback copies of The Catholic Perspective on Paul this week leading up to Saint Paul’s feast day on Saturday. I’ll announce the winners on Monday January 27.
How to Win: Facebook Drawing
On January 25, my twin daughters will choose the ten winners from those that “Like” my Facebook author page.
Please go to my Facebook Author Page and “Like” the page. That’s all you have to do. If you “Like” the page, then you’re in the drawing for the FREE signed copies of The Catholic Perspective on Paul.
PS: If you have already read The Catholic Perspective on Paul, would you please write a review of it over at It would mean a ton to me. Thank you. Here’s the quick and easy review page for the Catholic Perspective in Paul over at
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