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Your All Saints Offer (with Bonuses) Ends Today
Dear Friends,
Happy All Saints Day,
This is just a reminder that our All Saints special offer for new Members of our New Saint Thomas Institute ends today.
Originally, the offer expired on Friday 12pm noon. However, many of you need to attend Holy Mass today during lunch hour and after work (All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation). We’ll extend the offer till 7pm Central time.
- We have 9 new videos courses already lined up for November’s New Saint Thomas Institute
- December’s video courses will feature our Blessed Virgin Mary and Mariology
- 1 or 2 courses come out every Tuesday – what we call “Thomas Tuesdays”
- Watch the courses in your own home on a computer, iPad, or mobile device.
- You watch the courses on your time. No deadlines. No papers. No tests. No schedules. Learn how and when you want to learn.
- Master Courses
- Life Lessons
- Screencasts
- Expert Interviews
- I give you the notes, so you don’t have to take notes
- Bonus Courses on Logic (coming in November)
- Bonus Courses on how to pronounce and begin learning Latin (coming in November)
- Access to our Member Forum where I and others answer your questions.
- Tuition is ridiculously inexpensive: currently $25 per month (compare this to conservative Catholic college tuition at about $2,100 per class)
- Quit any time. No semester long contracts. It’s month to month.
- If you enroll in NSTI before November 1 (Friday/All Saints Day), you can take all 9 video courses for November, plus the 5 video courses from October. You will also be able to keep your $25 intro tuition locked in forever before it goes up to around $40.
So if you’re still on the fence, today (Friday, before 7pm) is the time to join the New Saint Thomas Institute before the tuition goes up and you miss out.
Learn how to become a Member by clicking here.
to Jesus through Mary,
PS: J. Griffith just wrote me this morning and said: “I signed up for the New Saint Thomas Institute; best decision I could have made to help my faith. Well done.” Hundreds are finding the New Saint Thomas Institute to be tremendously valuable. Please join us. We have students in 15 nations and on every single continent (except for Antarctica). Learn more about enrollment by clicking here.
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