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Snapshot of My Life on October 18 2013
Here’s a snapshot of my life as of today.
Outside my window…
Irving, Texas. 56 degrees F. Feel like Fall. I’ve my corduroys on and I’m wearing a sweater. People up north with laugh at this, but this is how we glorify autumn in Texas.
Here’s are some pics before it cooled down here in Texas:

Morning mental prayer. Eggs. Green tea. Played guitar for my 2 year old who requested songs about “people” and “happy.” We sang about how all the people in our family are happy. He likes that.
We’re pulling the children from school early today and going out to the Ranch to shoot some guns, roast marshmallows, and sing around the campfire.
One word to describe this past week…
Relief. I’ve been working long hours on the New Saint Thomas Institute. This week I got into a groove. It’s more manageable now.
We also filmed all the NSTI video courses for November, so again, that’s a relief. Now our post-production team will start working on the edits.
Here are all the Video courses for the New Saint Thomas Institute coming out in November:
- Master Course: Can Pagans Have Virtue: Thomas Aquinas on the Four Cardinal Virtues (with examples from Lord of the Rings)
- Master Course: Thomas Aquinas on the Three Theological Virtues
- Master Course: Logic 1 – 7 Verbal Fallacies in Philosophy and Theology
- Master Course: Logic 2 – 7 Most Common Logical Fallacies and How to Not Commit Them!
- Life Lesson: Seven Deadly Sins – A Trick to Never Forget Them (and Thomas Aquinas on the 7 Deadlies)
- Interview with Dave Palmer: How Dave read the Summa 3 times from front the back and how you can too.
- Interview with Dave Palmer: How He Applies Thomas Aquinas to Daily Living
If you want to join our community and take these classes in the New Saint Thomas Institute or just watch our “About” video, please click here.
I am thankful…
For my wife Joy. We have had a roller coaster last six months. She is the center hub that keeps our family (and me!) rolling.
I am thinking about…
Books. Last night at our NSTI small group (“catena”) we share our top 2 Catholic books of all time. I’m going to put together a reading list based on these suggestions.
On the blog…
I was really happy to see people interacting with the Saint Paul post on Faith and Works. That post is like an old school “Canterbury Tales blog” post circa 2010. Longer. More technical. Over time, I’ve starting writing shorter posts, but it’s fun to go back the long format.
I am creating…
Nothing right now. My create brain muscle is too tired.
I am reading…
Psalms and Proverbs.
I am praying…
this morning for my little 5 month old daughter’s future husband. He’s probably already out there somewhere roughing it up on the playground. I hope he will be a man of faith, bravery, and integrity.
I am listening to…
a little more Baroque classical music. I dipped into some Bach this week.
Clicking around…
and spending hours in the NSTI Member Forum.
Around the house…
We got the fire pit out. It’s officially Fall when that happens.
One of my favorite things…
Waking up with a little sleeping baby next to me.
A few plans for this weekend…
Heading out to the Ranch on Friday.
Dallas seminarian dinner on Saturday night with our friend Msgr Michael Olson.
Sunday is Latin Mass and rest.
[reminder]What are your Weekend Plans? Please share what you’re up do in the comments below.[/reminder]
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