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Reader Survey: Which Video Course Would You Like?
I love reading your comments here on the blog. I like that you are a real person with real comments.
There are now over 8,600 daily subscribers to this blog who are part of our conversations. I can remember back in 2006 when I was dancing in the living room when 250 daily hits made my day! The numbers have changed since then, but the ideas and style are the same.
When subscribers update their profiles, there are a number of things they can tell me. I was amazed to learn that so many people want video courses. Many wanted podcasts (which I was already working on), but even more wanted video courses.
Okay, so now you have me interested. What kind of video courses would you like to see? What are you struggling and thinking about and how can I help?
If you’re interested in taking a simple, fun, and fascinating online course with me, please tell me more about courses you would like to take:
[If you don’t see the survey embedded below, don’t worry. Instead, please tell me what you’d like by clicking here.]
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
Thank you for taking time to share your ideas with me. I look forward to reading your response in the survey!
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