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How to Use Your New Share Features
I am trying to make this site more easy friendly for one purpose. I hope to see more comments and community correspondence with one another. Leaving comments on the old site was near impossible. It’s now easy.
Here is how you can voice your opinion, leave comments, and share interesting article with friends:
This is what the ‘share bar’ looks like:

You can click “Comment” above or below each post and it takes you there automatically. There is also a “leave a comment” in every post for our 8,500 email subscribers. If you get the email, you’ll find the link at the end of each post. Just click it and then leave a comment. Fast and easy!
Share Buttons
You may have noticed that there are six buttons above and below every post on the new website:
Comment // Facebook Share // Tweet Share // Buffer // Email Icon // Print Icon
Feel free to use these buttons to share blog post with friends. When you click “Comment,” you’re taken straight to comments. When you click “Facebook Share,” it shares it automatically with your Facebook friends. When you click “Tweet” and it auto tweets it to your followers. If you click the email icon, you can email the post to a friend.
When we were revamping the website, I was amazed by the amount of people who print out these posts and hand them out and take them to church. So we made printing out easier.
If you print the “printer” icon on the far right, you’ll be taken to a simple black and white version for quick printing (and to save your color cartridges).
My favorite new tool is “Buffer”
When you use Buffer (fourth button from the right, above post on the website), you can send a post automatically to Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In in one click. I use it every day to share my favorite pages and links from my site and my friends.
I would appreciate it if you would use the social buttons above and below. It helps new people discover the site and find useful articles.
Also, please leave comments. I want to hear from you!
I appreciate you! Thank you.
to Jesus through Mary,
Taylor Marshall
Dive Deeper

Explore the fascinating world of Catholic teachings with Dr. Marshall. Together you’ll unpack the brilliant answers the Church gives to tough questions about the Faith. The best part: you go at your own pace. Start this exciting journey today.