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How to Convert 7 Billion People Ten Years at a Time
You are now one of 7 BILLION people on planet Earth.
Catholics make up about 1 billion of that 7 billion.
Here’s what that means. If every Catholic in the course of his or her life could lead just 6 people to Christ, the whole world would be Catholic!
Yeah, but that number “1 billion Catholics” is fudged. It includes Nancy Pelosi, nominals, non-practicing, etc.
Yes, okay, that’s true. But let’s just focus on that number 6. Considering that you will likely live to be about 70-80 years old, that means that if you could help someone enter into full sacramental communion with Christ once per decade you would be doing amazing work!
Of course, evangelism isn’t a numbers game. It’s not about notches in our belt or merit badges. However, goals are good. If we do not make a plan, nothing will happen.
So consider praying and equipping yourself to lead others to Christ. You’ve got the next ten years to make an impact in one person’s life!
Go out there and be salty!
Comment: 1 Timothy 2:4 reads “God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” That means that God wants all 7 billion to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Don’t worry about the 7 billion. That number is overwhelming. Just worry about “your six.” Please leave a comment below with more thoughts on this idea.
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