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New Blog Website – I want your input on how it will look!
Dear friends, readers, and subscribers,
I’m getting tons of daily feedback via comments, email, Twitter, and Facebook. There is something that I’ve been hearing for about a year now and I just keep hearing more and more of it:
“How do I leave a comment?!!!”
Even my own dad, the other day at lunch, said, “Son, I just can’t figure out how to leave a comment. What do I do?”
It’s clear to me: Readers can’t find the “leave a comment” feature. Part of it is that the comments load way too slow. Part of it is that it’s hidden in the template. Part of it is trying to fuse Disqus with an old blogger template.
But there are other things, too. To be honest, this blog template is 8 years old and it has lots of old broken code in it. It’s time to start with a new site and new template.
I’m going to finally migrate to Word Press. These changes should be occurring in the next month.
Before I make any serious changes, I want to hear from you. What do you like and what needs to be improved? I write this blog for you! So tell me what you want. Fonts? Colors? More photos. Less photos. Podcasts? Videos? Downloadable short ebooks? Ways to share more easily in social media?
By the way which social media channels do you use?
What are your favorite types of posts? Personal stories? Theologically rigorous posts? All Aquinas all the time? Saints? Videos?
Okay, let it rain. Give me lots and lots of feedback.
Oh, that means you need to leave a comment – which some of you still cannot find. On my sight, the comment is on the individual page at the bottom of the post, slightly to the left.
Please leave a comment. If you’re an email subscriber, just “reply” to the email you get and I’ll look at all those. Thank you!
Taylor Marshall
PS: I need a mentor as a transfer to WordPress. Are there any coding ninjas out there that would occasionally answer questions for me if I get stuck? Also, what level hosting should I pursue? I had 150,000 unique visitors last month. Do I need cloud hosting or can I stick with shared hosting?
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