Must Watch Videos
Stunning Photo: Pope Benedict XVI with Our Lord Jesus Christ
This photo is simply stunning. It’s my favorite photo of our Holy Father. Happy Feast of Corpus Christi!
Tantum Ergo by St Thomas Aquinas
Tantum ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui: et antiquum documentum novo cedat ritui: praestet fides supplementum sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque laus et iubilatio, salus, honor, virtus quoque sit et benedictio: procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio. Amen. |
Down in adoration falling, Lo! the sacred Host we hail; Lo! o’er ancient forms departing, newer rites of grace prevail; faith for all defects supplying, where the feeble sense fail. To the everlasting Father, and the Son who reigns on high, with the Holy Ghost proceeding forth from Each eternally, be salvation, honor, blessing, might and endless majesty. Amen. |
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