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Where Does the Bible Discuss Hell the Most?
Above is a chart that I made with Logos Bible Software (click on the graph it to enlarge it). The charts shows where in the Bible the topic of Sheol (Hebrew for Hell), Hades (Greek for Hell), or Hell is discussed. Interestingly enough, it is in Psalms, Isaiah, and Matthew where we find hell discussed most often. Many might be surprised by how often the Bible speak of Hell.
There is also a good bit of discusion of Sheol/Hades in Wisdom and Sirach (Ecclesiasticus). There hasn’t been much scholarship on this and I hope somebody tackles the topic of Sheol in these two books. I explored it some in my dissertation as it relates to natural beatitude. It would be a great topic for somebody’s Master’s Thesis. If someone is interested in it, please contact me privately. I have some ideas about it.
ad Jesum per Mariam,
PS: Logos is running a special right now for readers of Canterbury Tales. If you use the coupon code “MARSHALL” you’ll get 15% off of your purchase. Please click here to see their Catholic Bible Software package.]
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