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Video: 1969 Elvis Presley Singing in a Mass
Prior to this time, the laity did not enter past the altar rail except for one very important sacrament – matrimony. This marital entry into the inner sanctum symbolized that the couple were like a new Adam and new Eve embarking on a grace-filled union to be fruitful and multiply. Regrettably this symbolism has been lost – probably since 1965.
Please see the graph below which depicts the number of nuns in the United States of America from before this era and after:
The look on “Sister” Mary Tyler Moore’s face expresses so much turmoil. The verdict of history regarding the decrease of consecrated women since the 1960s makes the happy-clappy music all the more ironic. 1969 dealt the death blow to women’s vocations in America.
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Guardian and Protector of Virgins, pray for us.
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