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True Story: How a Buddhist became Catholic
A friend of mine is an active member of the Legion of Mary. They go door-to-door and invite people to the Catholic Church and teach them how to pray the Holy Rosary.
They came to the home a Laotian man who was a Buddhist. He was very interested in the faith and even visited our parish. My friend led him to our church and prayed for him telling Our Lord and Our Lady that they brought him this far and they should do the rest…
When the Legion of Mary did a follow up visit they discovered he was sick in the hospital and perhaps in danger of death. They visited him there and arranged for a priest to meet him.
The man professed the Catholic and desired to enter the Catholic Church and he was forthwith baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. He is still not well so please pray for him.
Praise God. Look into joining your local Legion of Mary and join in on the work of the Holy Spirit.
Please visit the Legion of Mary website.
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