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NYC Construction Workers Against Ground Zero Mosque
From the mouth of babes…and construction workers. They may wear hard hats, but they are aren’t hard headed – they know that Islam is the 1,300 year old enemy of Christendom.
This is an interesting development. A group of New York construction who are vowing not to build the Ground Zero Mosque.
A New York City construction worker who witnessed the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, is skeptical about a recent comment from the Muslim cleric at the center of the controversial “Ground Zero” mosque.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told The Buffalo News recently that if a suitable site was offered, he would consider another location for what is now being called the Park51 project. It was the first time Rauf appeared to back away from building the center two blocks from where the World Trade Center towers fell.
Andy Sullivan is a lifelong New York City construction worker and founder of the 911 Hard Hat Pledge, one of the groups working to prevent the construction of the mosque on the proposed site. He is unconvinced by Rauf’s remarks, noting that the imam recently stepped aside from direct involvement in the mosque.
“The new imam, this guy Abdullah Adhami, and the developer Sharif el-Gamal — both of those people, after Rauf’s comments, said ‘We’re not planning on moving,'” says Sullivan. “Especially the developer Gamal has been completely rigid — and he’s the final word on that project.”
In addition, Sullivan says Rauf has been a public-relations blunder for the project. “Rauf has been nothing but a great thing for our side — because it seems every time he opens his mouth, he sticks his foot in it,” he comments. “So I’m actually going to be sad to see Rauf go, because you can always count on him to really say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing.”
In the meantime, Sullivan continues to lead a petition drive among construction workers vowing to never build the Ground Zero mosque.
Saint James, pray for us.
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