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How to Pray the Divine Office in Latin
How to Pray the Divine Office in Latin
What is the Divine Office?
Praying throughout marked intervals throughout the day is the ancient and revered custom of the Catholic Church. This is the Divine Office and the book that contains it is called the Roman Breviary (usually printed in 2 or 3 volumes). The new revised version after the Second Vatican Council is commonly called the Liturgy of the Hours (LOTH printed in 4 volumes).
Traditionally the hours were as follows:
- Matins (midnight)
- Lauds (before sunrise)
- Prime (6am)
- Terce (9am)
- Sext (12pm)
- None (3pm)
- Vespers (evening)
- Compline (bedtime)
1. Office of Readings (formerly Matins – now at any time)
2. Lauds (morning)
Prime is now suppressed and gone
3. Midday Prayer – only one of the following is required:
Terce (9am)
Sext (12pm)
None (3pm)
4. Vespers (evening)
5. Compline (bedtime)
But if you want to do the 1961 Office for free. I recommend this website: Officium Divinium. Set the rubrics to “Rubrics 1960” and you’ll be good to go. It even has the Douay-Rheims in English next to the Latin. I use this site as my crutch during Matins at night. Best of all it’s free. If you own an iPad – congratulations, with this site you now have a Latin Breviary with parallel Latin and English!
- Clementine or Gallican Vulgate Psalter (the classic medieval Psalms – this is the only one you want to use!)
- Pian or Bea Psalter (revised Hebraicized Psalter of Cardinal Bea – found in many printed Breviaries from 1945 till 1970 – don’t use this)
- Neo-Vulgate Psalter (version found in Latin LOTH)
I’d love to here some tips and advice from others who are trying to prayer regularly. It’s a struggle, but also a blessing (isn’t that how all good things are?).
Taylor Marshall
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