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Great Quote on Teenagers and the Catholic Faith
Werling continues, “Young people know a disingenuous adult when they see one, and they realize the mockery these adults make of our Catholic religion…. What is the use of involvement in an exercise that makes fools of priests and other adults, and makes a mockery of our august religion?” As an educator who has taught in multiple levels and in varied environments, including inner-city, suburban, and college-town, I have to ask why we believe believe that students can read and discuss Beowulf, calculus, the Monroe Doctrine, subjunctive mood in conditional sentences, and the epistemology of the natural sciences during the day, but then cannot handle the same kind of reading and discussion about grace, justification, sanctification, the distinction between homoousios and homoiousios, and the Trinity at youth group or on the weekend.
From the post: Bedlam or Parnassus: Moralistic Therapeutic Deism
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