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Catholics are Losing the Battle on College Campuses – Provocative Post from Marcel LeJeune

I ain’t gonna lie. I’m an Aggie and darn proud of it. So I’m especially proud of “Aggie Catholics”. I’m also continually impressed by all the fantastic things that I hear about the Catholic campus ministry at Texas A&M.
Marcel LeJeune, the stellar Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Texas A&M University, has written a provocative post about how the Catholic Church needs to fix her maternal gaze on college campuses. We all know that college is a testing ground for faith – and weak faith often dries up in the collegiate environment of sexual license, alcoholism, drug abuse, and academic pressure to conform to the secularist agenda.
Maybe you’re thinking, “Well just send Catholic kids to Catholic universities.” Here’s an example of why that answer is unsatisfactory:
“Studies show that female students are MORE promiscuous at Catholic universities and Catholic colleges and universities not forming students any better than secular universities in the Catholic faith.”
Yikes! Moreover, last year’s debacle at Notre Dame further demonstrates that “Catholic” doesn’t always mean Catholic when it comes to a university’s ethos.
LeJeune argues that Catholics need to be more apostolic about college ministry. I have a vested interest in Catholic higher education, so this is an issue dear to my heart. I’d encourage you to read LeJeune’s post. Even more, I’d like to hear your thoughts on how we can retake the academic high ground.
Here’s the post: Reform Of The Catholic Church In The US Will Start in Campus Ministry. Please read and share a comments in the combox.

I ain’t gonna lie. I’m an Aggie and darn proud of it. So I’m especially proud of “Aggie Catholics”. I’m also continually impressed by all the fantastic things that I hear about the Catholic campus ministry at Texas A&M.
Marcel LeJeune, the stellar Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Texas A&M University, has written a provocative post about how the Catholic Church needs to fix her maternal gaze on college campuses. We all know that college is a testing ground for faith – and weak faith often dries up in the collegiate environment of sexual license, alcoholism, drug abuse, and academic pressure to conform to the secularist agenda.
Maybe you’re thinking, “Well just send Catholic kids to Catholic universities.” Here’s an example of why that answer is unsatisfactory:
“Studies show that female students are MORE promiscuous at Catholic universities and Catholic colleges and universities not forming students any better than secular universities in the Catholic faith.”
Yikes! Moreover, last year’s debacle at Notre Dame further demonstrates that “Catholic” doesn’t always mean Catholic when it comes to a university’s ethos.
LeJeune argues that Catholics need to be more apostolic about college ministry. I have a vested interest in Catholic higher education, so this is an issue dear to my heart. I’d encourage you to read LeJeune’s post. Even more, I’d like to hear your thoughts on how we can retake the academic high ground.
Here’s the post: Reform Of The Catholic Church In The US Will Start in Campus Ministry. Please read and share a comments in the combox.
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