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Map for My Talk Tonight on the Anglican Ordinariates
Here’s a map of campus for tonight’s presentation on the Anglican Ordinariates at the University of Dallas: click here.
We’ll be at Gorman Room B at 7:00pm.
Theology is sponsoring the following talk by one of UD’s own.
“The New Anglican Ordinariate
and its Background”
Come hear Taylor Marshall,
former Anglican minister
and current PhD student in the University of Dallas’
Institute of Philosophic Studies
discuss Pope Benedict XVI’s new
Anglican Ordinariate.
Friday, November 13th
7:00 – 8:30
Gorman B
Refreshments to follow.
Dive Deeper

Explore the fascinating world of Catholic teachings with Dr. Marshall. Together you’ll unpack the brilliant answers the Church gives to tough questions about the Faith. The best part: you go at your own pace. Start this exciting journey today.