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Great site for refuting Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons

I read Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons and thought it was a pretty lame novel. Interesting symbolism, but the plot and the ending were not satisfying…and of course the theology and history are dismal.
One of my alma maters, Westminster Theological Seminary, has an excellent site about the new Dan Brown made-to-movie novel Angels and Demons rightly entitled: The Truth about Angels and Demons. If this film stirs up as much controversy as The Da Vinci Code, then this is a site that you need to remember for future reference.
It is well done and it’s a great place to send those who are worried or confused about the new Dan Brown movie Angels and Demons (prequel to The Da Vinci Code).
Westminster Seminary is Protestant, Calvinist in fact, so be careful about there article “What’s the Difference Between Protestants and Catholics?” In all other respects, it’s very well done.
By the way, in the section “Points of Agreement” (i.e. what Protestants and Catholics have in common), they list the Seventh Ecumenical Council of Nicea II – the council that defended images of Christ and the saints, along with their veneration. The veneration of icons is not something that I would have imagined a Westminster Seminary site to endorse. I’m pleasantly surprised!
Don’t forget to check out the site: The Truth about Angels and Demons.
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