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Apologetics Fall Final
Vocabulary (28 points)
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following terms:
1. Adoptionism
2. Agnostic
3. Apologetics
4. Apostle
5. Atheist
6. Cosmological argument
7. Darwinism (be sure to discuss natural selection)
8. Divine Revelation
9. Ebionites
10. Gnosticism
11. Hierarchy
12. Image of God
13. Judaizers
14. Magisterium
15. Mandeans
16. Materialism
17. Messiah
18. Monogenism
19. Pantheism
20. Papal infallibility
21. Papal supremacy
22. Private revelation
23. Septuagint
24. sola scriptura
25. Subordinationism
26. Synoptic Gospels
27. Teleological argument
28. Three-fold office of Christ
People (10 points)
Describe the significance of the people below:
1. Montanus
2. Tertullian
3. Mani
4. Saint Cyprian
5. Kerinthos
6. Saint Justin Martyr
7. Josephus
8. Novatian
9. Sabellius
10. Blaise Paschal
Basic Catholic Knowledge
Choose one of the two options: (25 points)
Option 1
o List Seven Sacraments
o List Seven Virtues
o List Seven Deadly Sins
o List Four Wounds of the Fall of Adam and Eve
Option 2
o List Old Testament books in order
o List New Testament books in order
Short Answer Questions (12 points)
Answer each question with with one to three sentences.
1. What two powers do humans possess that animals do not possess?
2. How is Public Revelation different from Private Revelation?
3. What is the “Synoptic Problem” and how to liberal rationalists account for it?
4. Account for why each of the four Evangelists are trustworthy? Where did each of the four gain their information about the life, death, and resurrection of Christ?
5. Who is the first human to acknowledge that Christ is both the Messiah and Son of God (provide the biblical verse for support).
6. Liberal rationalists who deny the miraculous resurrection of Christ provide one of two theories. Briefly explain both theories.
7. In what two ways did Christ justify his claims?
8. What are the three Holy Orders?
9. What two characteristics distinguish the Pope from all other bishops?
10. Why is the Pope also the Bishop of Rome?
11. What message was preached by both Saint John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus Christ?
12. How does God validate his Divine Revelations throughout history?
Essay on Gnosticism and Catholicism (25 points)
Write a two page essay about the philosophical presuppositions of Gnosticism and how they differ from the tenets of the Catholic Faith. Please include examples of how some Catholic Christians have inadvertently subscribed to Gnostic ideas? Include a discussion about the significance of the Incarnation of Christ, the Resurrection of Christ, and the sanctity of Holy Matrimony.
Bonus (one point each)
1. What does Saint Paul say about the cosmological argument (provide the verse).
2. Who were the first five Popes?
3. Who were the last five Popes (including the current Pope)?
4. Write out the five luminous mysteries.
5. What are the four Marian dogmas?
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