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Rosaries for Obama! Calling all Catholics

What if we joined together anonymously to pray for Barack Obama without judging or condemning him? What if together we prayed one hundred thousand Rosaries for the spiritual benefit of Barack Obama? Would not innumerable graces be poured out upon for our nation and our elected leader?
In order to encourage others Rosaries for Obama! is keeping an anonymous tally of the number of Rosaries prayed for Barack Obama. Keep in mind that this is not a venue for judgment, but a place to earnestly ask God to bless our President-Elect.
Please join us in prayer and please email this to your friends or blog about it if you are able.
Let’s get on our knees and ask Our Lord and Lady to make our nation a place where the dignity of every human life is respected and honored.
Please visit Rosaries for Obama! and share it with others.
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