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Please welcome our son into the Body of Christ
Last Saturday, our fifth child was born of water and Spirit (Jn 3:3-5), cleansed of original sin (1 Cor 6:11), and incorporated into the mystical Body of Christ (Rom 6:4-6). In other words, he was baptized. Please welcome him to the Church! (and please say a prayer for him). He was the one wearing white.
Last Saturday, our fifth child was born of water and Spirit (Jn 3:3-5), cleansed of original sin (1 Cor 6:11), and incorporated into the mystical Body of Christ (Rom 6:4-6). In other words, he was baptized. Please welcome him to the Church! (and please say a prayer for him). He was the one wearing white.
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Explore the fascinating world of Catholic teachings with Dr. Marshall. Together you’ll unpack the brilliant answers the Church gives to tough questions about the Faith. The best part: you go at your own pace. Start this exciting journey today.