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Cardinal Dias warns Anglicans at Lambeth

Ivan Cardinal Dias of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is either a brilliant orator or has an excellent team of speech writers working for him. His orator skills are revealed by the fact that he speaks at least twelve languages (!) and he was one of the cardinals considered papabile at the 2005 conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI. His warning to the world’s Anglican bishops at Lambeth is simply amazing. It contains some very hard word and places the situation in the context of human salvation. I particularly appreciated this part of the text that hits hard:
Much is spoken today of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. By analogy, their symptoms can, at times, be found even in our own Christian communities. For example, when we live myopically in the fleeting present, oblivious of our past heritage and apostolic traditions, we could well be suffering from spiritual Alzheimer’s. And when we behave in a disorderly manner, going whimsically our own way without any co-ordination with the head or the other members of our community, it could be ecclesial Parkinson’s.
Wow! His comment about “going whimsically our own way without any co-ordination with the head” is an obvious allusion Anglicanism’s rejection of the Pope. As a result, Anglicanism could suffer from “ecclesial Parkinson’s”. Finally no fluff. Just shooting it straight.
His Eminence’s conclusion is perfectly pastoral and encouraging (and Marian!):
In communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Angels and Saints, I commend this Lambeth Conference to God Almighty, and I pray that, through it, He may shower countless blessings on the Anglican Communion all over the world. With Cardinal John Henry Newman, an important figure for Anglicans and Catholics alike, I join you in praying the Holy Spirit:
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home:
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet: I do not ask to see the distant scene:
One step enough for me.
Read the whole text of Cardinal Dias’ address over at Stand Firm.
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