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Music for Papal Mass in New York City

Here is the music for the Pope’s Mass in New York City. It looks great. The folks in New York are actually trying to welcome the Vicar of Christ. What a good idea!
Symphony No. 9 in D minor – Ludwig van Beethoven [the Holy Father will be pleased]
I. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso
II. Molto vivace
Entrance of the Holy Father
Hymnus Pontificius – Charles Gounod, arr. Alberico Vitalini [this is awesome!]
Dixit from Vesperae Solennes de Confessore – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Music for Mass
Jesus is Risen/ Cristo Jesús Resucitó – arr. John Rutter
Tu es Petrus – Dom Lorenzo Perosi
Kyrie, from Litany of the Saints – adapt. Richard Proulx [this is good, too]
Gloria, from Missa O Magnum Mysterium – Tomás Luis da Victoria
Psalm – Dr. Jennifer Pascual
Alleluia (VICTORY) – arr. Wm. Glenn Osborne
Credo III
Trilingual Intercessions – Michael Hay, orch. Wm. Glenn Osborne
How Lovely is thy Dwelling Place – Johannes Brahms
Sanctus from German Mass – Franz Schubert, adapt. Richard Proulx [the German Mass is not only good, it’s German!]
Christ Has Died/ Amen – Franz Schubert, adapt. Richard Proulx
Agnus Dei from Missa O Magnum Mysterium – Tomás Luis da Victoria
Panis Angelicus – Cesár Franck, Marcello Giordani, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera
Sicut Cervus – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Ave Verum – Alexandre Guilmant, orch. Deborah Jamini
Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo – John Schiavonne, orch. Carl Maultsby
Let Us Break Bread Together – arr. Carl Maultsby [could turn out alright]
This is the Feast – Richard Hillert, arr. Richard Kidd
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee/ Jubilosos te Adoramos – from Hymn to Joy Fantasy – Bruce Saylor [fantastic]
Symphony No. 9 in D minor – Ludwig van Beethoven [can’t go wrong]
IV. Presto
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