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Episcopal Bishop Jeffrey Steenson is Going to Rome
Bishop Jeffrey Steenson was rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal in Fort Worth before I was curate at St. Andrew’s. Thus far, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church has produced a great number of converts to the Holy and Roman Catholic Church. He holds a doctorate in Patristics from Oxford and will be a great asset to the Church. Welcome home!
From the Steenson’s pastoral letter to his diocese:
I believe that God’s call to us is always positive, always a to and not a from. At the clergy conference next week I hope to be able to share something of this. Many of you already know of my love for the Catholic Church and my conviction that this is the true home of Anglicanism. I will not dwell on this, however, so as not to lose sight of my responsibility to help lay a good foundation for the transition that you must now lead.
May his reception into the Church be a stimulant for future reconciliation between the Holy See and Anglicanism.
In related news, the Pastoral Provision is holding its Roman pilgrimage this week in order to celebrate in Rome the feast of Our Lady of Walsingham.
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