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Scott Hahn’s Kinship by Covenant
Dr. Scott Hahn’s 1995 doctoral dissertation Kinship by Covenant: A Biblical Theological Study of the Covenant Types and Texts in the Old and New Testaments is amazing. The feeling I had reading was very much like the one I experienced reading N.T. Wright’s Resurrection of the Son of God. Both are fat tomes weighing in at over 600 pages each, but each leaves you wanting more. “Oh no! There are only 100 pages left!”
The great thing about manuscripts like these is that they survey the complex contours of Sacred Scripture and bring together so many biblical concepts that you finish the volumes thinking: a) Sacred Scripture is much more inner-connected than I had ever assumed; b) man of my biblical “gut intuitions” have been confirmed by an orderly explanation.
I hope that Dr. Hahn publishes his dissertation in order to make it more widely available. In the next few days, I hope to post some observations that I gleaned from the manuscript. I am grateful to Dr. Hahn for making his dissertation available to me.
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