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Lutheran Suspicians concerning the "Old Mass"
A Lutheran opines on the “any-day-now” Motu Propio allowing wider usage of the Tridentine Mass. According to him, this would be a vindication of the classic Lutheran claim that the “Roman” Church is still the Scarlet Whore of the Antichrist.
This is a prime opportunity for Lutherans to assert the Evangelical treasures of the Scriptures. With a Vatican approval of the Old Order of the Mass Rome will once again clearly demonstrate that in spite of all the romanticizing done by Lutheran ecumenists about how Rome has “changed” and how it has now again “embraced the Gospel,” it is in fact just the same old, same old Romanism.
I assume the author is addressing claims by the likes of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus that Vatican II answered all the protests of the Lutheran Reformation.
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