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The Visible Church Speaking?

Something else from the Presbyterian Church in America. A Presbyterian antagonist of the Federal Vision proponents has reproved the FVs with these words:
Yes, assemblies and counsels may err, but this is the Visible Church speaking here! Aren’t we to have a high regard for the Visible Church? Is she not our nursing mother to feed and nourish us spiritually? Has she not spoken a word of admonition to you? Do you not honor her? Do you not heed the voice of your spiritual mother?
Are we to believe that the 331,000 member “Presbyterian Church in America” constitutes the “the Visible Church”? How parochial can one be?
Never mind that there are something like 16 million Southern Baptists in America, or that there are about 60 million Catholics in America. Can it be that this splinter of a denomination that began in 1973 is the capital “V”, capital “C” – Visible Church?
This is just another example of Presbyterians using a Catholic hermeneutic (appealing to the voice of Mother Church) in order to refute what they perceive to be creeping crypto-Catholicism (Federal Vision theology).
HT: Alastair.
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