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Muslims Should Apologize
Muslims have looted this West Bank Orthodox Church [pictured above] in their rage. What would they do if we ransacked a mosque, Mecca, or the Dome of the Rock! See pictures below in previous posts on other Islamic outrages.
It’s about time Muslims started apologizing. They have desecrated our sacred crosses – the sign of our redemption, our churches, and our Pontiff. There is a group calling for the Pope’s beheading based on the Quran’s injunction for beheadings and violence (Quran 47: 4-12 ; 42:40-44)
Another cleric in Somalia is calling for the death of P.P. Benedict and instrucing Muslims to “kill on the spot” any person who insults Mohammad.
And yet Muslims are silent. I’ve been scouring the internet and looking at the papers. I’ve been watching the news. There is not one moderate voice out there saying, “This is wrong. I as a Muslim am sorry that adherents of my religion are making death threats and ransacking places of Christian worship.”
At a dinner last night, I head a woman say, “Oh it’s too bad. Islam is such a peaceful religion. It’s too bad this small minority is being so cruel to the Pope.”
Well let me ask. Where is the peaceful, moderate voice? Where? Where is the apology for insulting our Christ, the Cross of Christ, and the Vicar of Christ, our Pontiff?
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