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Putting the Episcopal Church in Perspective
I have recently read many statements by Episcopalians referring to the crisis in “the Church” and of people leaving “the Church.”
Of course, by “the Church” they mean the denomination of the Episcopal Church. Others compare the conservative cause as something analogous to the epic struggle of St Athanasius against the Arians for the survival of “the Church.”
I recently ran across a demographic number that puts things in focus. The entire Episcopal Church, conservative and liberal, is smaller than the single Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey. In other words, the Catholic Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey oversees more souls than the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal denomination.
The Episcopal Church is thus about the size of one rather large (though by no means cardinalatial) Catholic diocese in the US. It is therefore irresponsible to speak of ECUSA as “the Church.” Consider that the Episcopal Church is about the smallest mainline American denomination and that the Roman Catholic Church is about sixty times larger than the Episcopal denomination.
This does not mean that Episcopalians should be written off. They are souls for whom Christ suffered and died. He loves them tenderly and He is therefore very concerned about their faith and perseverance. Let us continue to pray for them and encourage them as they seek to follow Christ.
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