Must Watch Videos
Cardinal Kasper to CofE on Women Bishops
Unfortunately GenCon 2006 has overshadowed this very important address by Cardinal Kasper to the Church of England bishops. Invited by Archbishop Williams, Cardinal Kasper describes the terrible consequences that would occur if the Church of England ordained women to the episcopate. The short of it: Rome could no longer have any serious dialogue with Anglicanism as an Apostolic body.
Kasper gives a helpful history of Roman/Anglican relations and also provides a very lucid (and Patristic) theological perspective on the nature of the episcopate. He also obliquely mentions the state of Anglican orders. Please take time to read it. It merits Anglican attention.
Cardinal Kasper addresses Bishop’s Meeting of the Church of England.
Pictured above: Cardinal Kasper, Archbishop Rowan Williams and His Holiness Benedict XVI.
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