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Woman’s Ordination and the Authority of Scripture
Do we undermine the infallibility and authority of God’s Sacred Scriptures when we remain in communion with bishop’s who not only approve of women’s ordination, but also ordain women to the Priesthood?
How can we really suppose people to take us seriously about morality and the current debate over homosexuality? We constantly appeal to Scripture concerning the homosexual crisis and yet when it comes to the several verses that speak to women’s ordination, even the so-called “orthodox” Anglicans blush and change the subject. Nobody wants to talk about it, especially as it touches the Anglican Network.
Why can’t we be consistent? We either truly follow the Lord or we don’t. We can’t pick and choose.
Saint Paul teaches that women in formal church settings are to keep silent (1 Cor 14:34-35). How then can a woman preach?
Saint Paul says that women should learn in silence in formal church settings on account of the creation order. (1 Timothy 2:12-15) Note this is not a cultural argument but an argument based on creation.
Saint Paul prohibits women from teaching and holding authority over men in formal church settings. (1 Timothy 2:12-15) All clergy both teach and hold authority.
Saint Paul does not include women in the criteria for Christian ordination. (Titus 1:5-, 1 Timothy 3:1-12,14-15) Note that clergymen are to be a man of one wife not a woman of one husband. If we are going to swip-swap words as if gender doesn’t matter, why not also say that a priest should be the man of one husband and let Gene Robinson alone?
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not choose any women to be Apostles. Obviously, St Mary Magdalene would have been a great lady Apostle because she had witnessed the empty tomb first hand. And yet she was not an Apostle. Same goes for the Blessed Mother who witnessed the crucifixion and held a prominent role at Pentecost. Men and men alone were chosen by Christ.
Further, the Apostles did not consider female candidates when choosing a replacement for Judas, or when choosing seven deacons. (Luke 6:13; Acts 1:14-26; Acts 6:3)
And lastly, the Old Testament knows nothing of female clergy, save for those wicked and pagan religions that surrounded them.
It is dishonest for us to fudge Scripture in one area (women’s ordination) and then protest so strongly against those who consistently continue to fudge the Scriptures in another way (homosexual marriage and ordination). Either you follow the religion revealed by Christ or you don’t. If you want to be biblical, if you want to be consistent: You cannot honestly support (or ignore) the dangers of women’s ordination.
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