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New Year’s Day – Feast of the Circumcision
According to the older Kalendars, today is the feast of the Circumcision since New Year’s Day is exactly eight days after Christmas (eight days being the stipulated time for circumcision in the Old Covenant).
Rome has changed (since Vatican 2) today to “Mary, Mother of God” and I understand that there is an ancient Roman precedent for this custom. Anglicans have changed the day to “Holy Name” so as not to have any reference to that male organ that makes Christ male. Oh how the feminists must hate the Holy Circumcision of Christ!
I’m calling for a return to the Feast of the Circumcision because it proclaims the profound importance of gender within the Judeo-Christian covenantal framework. The Messiah and High Priest had to be male on account of the Abrahamic Covenant. And thus all of His priests from the Twelve Apostles till today must be male. Why? Because they represent the Bridegroom to the Bride, Christ’s Church.
Moreover, the Circumcision of Christ (not the giving of the Holy Name) mystically symbolizes Christ’s “down-payment” for the shedding of His most precious Blood. Christ not only shed His Blood on the cross, but He shed His blood to become a covenantal Jew in the first place. It is the sign of a Suffering Servant. The Covenant fulfilled in Blood.
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