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How I Missed Communion on Easter Sunday – A Lessoned Learned
[10] Now whilst they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.
You might say to me, “Oh Taylor don’t be hard on yourself. You were just doing what you had to do. You juggled three kids and it just happened.” You’d be right. I don’t think that I sinned. I don’t think that I did anything wrong. But still, I was bummed out.
My Jesus,
Jesus is worth it.
I could have sat in pity and ruined my own Easter. I could have been bitter about having “all these kids” like George Bailey during his break down in It’s a Wonderful Life (see photo). Or I could just drive to another Mass and do it all over again. It’s a little more work. But it’s worth it.
He enjoyed Easter – just not the Mass part of it.
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